Monday, December 27, 2010

Scarycute stuff

Wanted to update the blog a lot earlier, but then I got a job and had no time anymore.
This and the upcoming stuff is still from November 2010.

Hope you like it and I hope you had a nice Christmas and that 2011 will be a great year!=)

Saturday, November 06, 2010


Turned out better than I expected!:3 Oil on paper:

Only wish the colors would be richer and brighter...maybe I should spend more than 5 bucks on the oil-paint...

^This one was my first try. Sorry for the weird anatomy!>.<

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Just sketches and one finished drawing

Couldn't update for a while because the damn computer didn't work! Now it works again(sort of), but since it is not my computer and I don't have the programs and other stuff I'm not able to do fancy colored artwork!:(
I'm thinking about buying acrylic paint(since it is not so pricy like the Copic-markers), but I haven't done any paintings since maybe 13 years! And I never was really good at it.
But I would like to give it another chance(like I did with Photoshop)!
What do you think? Should I give it a try and buy some paint? Any advice for a beginner? Thanks!!!:)

I don't think that I have post that picture least I can't find it(unless I'm blind again!):

And a crapload of sketches:

Here is some inspiration and caricature I made from Eddie's blog :

Since I can't color at the moment you have to go over to my sketch-blog to see more sketches I made!:)

It was a happy day for me when I received mail from the creator and artist of Gantz Hiroya Oku !!!=)
And it was a big surprise to get 2 original drawings of my favourite character from him!:D
I love them so much!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
The drawings are very big, so I had to use my camera to take pictures of the artwork.
I hope you like it too:

And I also got this nice print here:

There was also a mini comic-festival in my hometown, lots of cool people were there!:D
And of course I got some amazing drawings:

My friend Caroline drew this for me:

And thanks to Ulf, Sascha and Flavia!:D

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!:D

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Some Blogtitle

I hope everyone has a great summer time!:)


Gifts for friends:

Planet I made:

Thursday, June 17, 2010


This hot Alien-girl belongs to, watch his cartoon!!!=)

My shiny cartoony Pokeyman:

Old, retarded, funny:

Here some photos I really like!

Photos done by, model: me!

I hope you like it!:)

Colored sketch I did!

Gantz was created by Hiroya Oku

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Beautiful Soup!


D9 Prawn:

A gift for a special friend! :D Disney's Tinkerbell:

There will be no colored Artwork for a while because I have not the right Computer + Programs and no time anymore, but I'll continue doing artwork!

The updates will be on my Sketch-blog:

These characters belong to James Cameron, Neill Blomkamp and Disney!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Fokken Prawns!!!

More District 9 stuff! Sorry that I didn't update my blog for a while...

I made another one:

I hope you like it!:)



Sorry if the colors are strange...something is wrong with the Computer!:(