Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My Cereal Killers Characters....

I made two characters, hope that I made not so many mistakes....

That´s from Cap´n Crunch, I use old Ren & Stimpy comics (advertisement) to draw this. It was very hard, because the pictures in the comics were small. I like the character in the old comics, more than the new version. Thought I draw him like a (very) old pirate :). I never eat these cornflakes, because I can´t buy it at home in Germany, but I want to know how it taste like (good or bad?) ^-^.

The second one was hard for me, at first the Title of the "box", the bad paper(colors are not so good on it) and the pain of the surgery XP. The picture in my head looks better than the finished work. But I think it looks funny XD.

I do each part by hand(Sketch, Outlines, Colours,etc), because the Computer didn´t work good. Difficult were the letters and the Logos of the "boxes", I must cut them by hand and put them on the drawing.
I hope that hand-made work have the same chance like Computercolored art and hope I made it good.


Pedro Vargas said...

hey! i love these! they look real awesome and gross, but in a good way of course! Are these intended to be for a project or something?


Unknown said...


Rex said...

really well done!

Howard Shum said...

Funny drawings!

Lutz Beyer said...

Schöne grüße aus der Bilderwumme! Falls Du heute Geburtstag hast alles Gute... ich glaube gestern warst Du in Deinem Profil noch 22...

Saubere Arbeit by the way und wir behalten Dich im Auge ;-)

Simon said...

The soiled spotty bits in the background of the Cap'n Crunch parody really completes the filthy/rotting aesthetic. I don't think the image would work quite so well without them (cigar butt in the cerial is funny).

I thought the color work on the second one with tha froggie was really quite excellent. Everything looks very round (not flat). But if you were going for flat, well . . .

GaryGepetto said...

These look great! I can't believe you did them all by hand, even the lettering! Based on that alone, these are super impressive.

As for the Capn' crunch, I am currently dating a girl from Germany here in the US, and if you are anything like her, you'd find Cap'n Crunch WAY to sweet. I guess we put about 100 times more sugar in everything than you do there. Not to mention the cereal tears up the roof of your mouth.

Keep up the great work!

Heather Sybil Chavez said...

These are great paitnigs, it make me want to eat cereal. All the artwork on your blog is really applealing. I will be visiting your blog more often

WIL BRANCA said...

These are GREAT!
You're art is some of my favorite!!!

Sam said...

sehr coole bilder hier auf deinem blog !

boob said...

Oh wow - Another Cereal Killer piece! Fantastic stuff. The book is only getting better!


die Sachen hier sind total genial!

Good Job!

Freshyfresh said...

Pietro Vargas: Thanks! I do these pictures for a artbook for 1313 cereal killers.

Alina Chau, rex,Howard Shum,Simon,Heather_Chavez, WIL, Sam, Askinstoo, boob and Tony: THANK YOU!!!! :D :D :D

Lutz Beyer: Ja, ich hatte am 13. April Geburtstag! Vielen Dank! ^-^

Gary Ham: I was visiting America 2002, I ate not so many sweets, I ate more meat, eggs and other. It was to many fat for me, I need only one meal every day XD.

Horacio Domingues said...

Beautiful blog!!



Rachel said...

How did you do that???
You just opend up a whole new world!!
I think I just got a inspiration!
Keep it up!

Benjamin Arcand said...

:0 WOW!
neat stuff!

"""Thanks! I do these pictures for a artbook for 1313 cereal killers.

Lucky you:)

kp said...

More amazing work! I love it!

Parag Natekar said...

Nice work !
cheers ! :)

Freshyfresh said...

Horacio,Rachel,Kenneth,Parag N,Mike: THANKS!!!

Askinstoo:Stop to put your advertisement on my blog!

benj and kp: Thank you very much! I love your art too! :D

Jay D Smith said...

wow, fantastic work!!

JustMe said...

These are so funny! ...and sick! I used to LOVE Cap'n Crunch, but I will never touch them again! You are quite the prolific young artist. Were these assignments? Or did you do them for fun?

Dapper Dan said...

Wow, these look fantastic! Very professional and the spin you gave them is excellent! Hat tip

Alex Gilbert said...

Hey who here have downloaded my music. Rap??