Monday, December 17, 2007

Merry Christmas !!!:D

Brad and I did this card! I made the drawing and he made the beautiful colors! I hope you like it!
Check out his amazing blog: !!!
I hope everyone have a merry X-mas and a happy new year!:)
Ich wuensche Allem zu Hause ein Frohes Fest und einen guten Rutsch ins neue Jahr!:)
Ich vermisse jeden von Euch!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Old stuff

Because I don't have anything exciting new to post here, I post my old stuff(from 2005).

I found this stuff on my old (german)blog and I thought it's interesting and funny to show you:

I still like this one, I probably gonna redraw it.

The green girl have a big problem with her left eye!XD

I promise to post newer stuff!^-^