Saturday, December 01, 2007

Old stuff

Because I don't have anything exciting new to post here, I post my old stuff(from 2005).

I found this stuff on my old (german)blog and I thought it's interesting and funny to show you:

I still like this one, I probably gonna redraw it.

The green girl have a big problem with her left eye!XD

I promise to post newer stuff!^-^


Alexei Martins said...

Cool stuff!!!Really enjoyed the very first one!!

cheers girl!!!:D

Justosaurus said...

oh my gods, Steffi! nice post! so much good work..

Patrick McMicheal said...

Great Stuff....I really love your style and I'm very proud to say I own 2 of your original drawings!!!! If anyone touches them. I'll bust their mouth loose!
You seem to like dogs(hunde), ayy? I have an English Springer Spaniel...she is beautiful.

Rich Tomlinson said...

Old or new It is a treat to see your art work ...I love the dogs and the girls, I also love your style!!!!!

crsP said...

The last two sets of stylized dog\wolf drawings would make an excellent animation. It could be like a version of All Dogs Go To Heaven- Titled Some Dogs Come From Hell!

R.A. MacNeil said...

Great drawings Steffi! Love the cyborg girl and the "Heidi" one.


Howard Shum said...

Cool! I like the space girls.

Hammerson said...
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Hammerson said...

You absolutely ruled, even in 2005! Sweet drawings, and wonderful use of color. Pity that some of them can't be enlarged. My favorites are Heidi, and the last one (with blue and red wolf).

José said...

great drawings steffi.

Freshyfresh said...

THANKS!!! I'm glad that you like them, I'll post some newer stuff now!:)