Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Stupid Comic I did @ night:

Story is based on the original comic(manga) of Gantz.
Sorry for the crappy drawings and the bad english, I did this really quickly straight on the paper.
I want to write more, but I'm in stress! -runsawayyyy........


Ricardo Cantoral said...

I love the way you combine anime and cartoon fun !

Alexei Martins said...

COOOOL!!!!!!! Hahaha!Weird comic, just like Gantz!!!I love it!!

Cheers! :)

David Germain said...

Ha ha! The man momentarily forgets about the danger he's in by a nice rack. Too true.

Tony Mitchell said...

I'M SO SCARED I HAVE A BONER!!hahah you should patent that

Freshyfresh said...

Thanks!!! It is fun to make something serious funny!XD

Tobias Schwarz said...

great blog and very different!

crsP said...

haha, you seem to be the one who invented the 'scared boner'! This seems like a good parody, it's funny at least. I haven't read gantz, but from your comic it looks like it has a lot of panels where they keep getting more and more scared!

I like the joke where he throws her violently off the building to save her life! It reminds me of when Powdered Toast Man throws a plane at a bus just to save a kitten from getting run over - it's such a ridiculous solution it's funny!
Did you mean to write 'It's safe' where he shouts out 'It's save'?

I think it's funny when he carries that guy with his teeth, even though he has one hand free HAHAHA! As a suggestion though, maybe in that panel where he's using his teeth to carry the boy, he could have a bottle of beer in the hand that's free. Maybe not hehe