Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Ami and Kumi

Two cute stars I really like right now!:)

Suzuki Ami

Koda Kumi

I would like to post some music-videos of them, but my blog is still messed up!:(
You have to check them out on Youtube.:)
Ami was harder to draw and I'm still not happy how she looks like! She is much much cuter in real life!!!


Katie said...

super cute!! I'm gonna go watch their videos. I love the last one- great expression and cool colors and technique! :D

Anonymous said...

Lovely colors- the drawings are so CUTE! I totally have to check out the videos.

Freshyfresh said...

Katie: I'm really happy that you like them!:)
I used the music videos a lot for my caricatures, you should watch Koda Kumi's "Show Girl"! She makes some really amazing face-expressions there!:D

Thank you John!!!:) It was fun to draw them!:3

Bianca Siercke said...

Beautiful!! I think my favorite are the first one of Kumi and the first one of Ami ^^.

The textures in Ami01 are amazing!!!! How did you manage to do that?

Patrick McMicheal said...

I love These Stefanie!! My favorites are (top)ami01.jpg and kumilisten.jpg
These are fantastic!!!! YOU are fantastic! Please draw more,more,more.!!!!!

WIL BRANCA said...

I love the colors!

Great work, as usual!

Tony Mitchell said...

awesome stuff steffi!!all of them.
but i think the winner is the first koda kumi girl ...the colors are amazing!!!!

Amir Avni said...

Hi Steffi,

These drawings are great! I especially like kumilisten.jpg-- perfect!

Thank you for the comments :)

David Germain said...

I have no Japanese porn to show you like the previous commentors do. All I will do is compliment your drawings. Good job on drawing very cute girls. I want to marry each and every girl you draw, that's how great they look to me.

Food and Drugs said...

Nice blog. Your technique is amazing. This girl seems to be really cute, above all because of that big eyes with a so candid expression.
In fact all your characters are full of expressiveness, which is an aspect that I consider very important if not the most important

Ryan Khatam said...

i really love the bottom one

crsP said...
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Eriki said...
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MLB2k11 said...

Nice post. It was very interesting and meaningful. Keep posting. I follow you.
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