Monday, February 12, 2007

Old and new Doodles:

Some Scans from many of my sketchbooks I have.

I'll use my second blog as my sketchblog, take a look in it!


Freshyfresh said...

Fuck! Link doesn't work!XP

Shawn Dickinson said...

I like your caricatures of John K! Looks just like him!

Patrick McMicheal said...

Steffanie, I love your style all the way!! I could never get tired of these..they have such life and energy / flowing movement!!! Keep them coming! - Pat

Sam said...

Wow ! Die Schattierung der Hunde und besonders des Werelions sehen echt genial aus !

Rich Tomlinson said...

Steffanie! you keep inspiring me with every post. I love the cute girls and I agree with shawn John K is right on!

Zorilita - Mary Bellamy said...

I love the first one =)

Saskia said...

Wunderschön, wirklich. Ich liiiebe Skizzen, hoffentlich gibts bei Grillhouse in Zukunft viele updates :)))
Und die Hunde sind stark, wie aus einem HorrorComic :D

Katie said...

Wow, my favorite one is the last one of the crazy looking dogs! It's a really cool combination of realistic and cartoony!

Freshyfresh said...

Shawn, Brutus: It make fun to draw John K.!XD Thanks!:)

Hello Pat! Thanks!!!:D

Sam: Vielen Dank! Die Schattierung habe ich mit einem sehr feinem Fineliner (0,05) gemacht! Ich liebe diesen Stift!:D
Der Werelion ist mit Kuli gemalt.

Zorilita: I tried to draw my friend Neo(she is a great artist too!)as comic character, she looks pretty, I was inspired to draw her.

Saskia: Schau mal nach!:) Habe heut was hochgeladen, weil ich's gestern vergessen habe!XD
Die Hunde sind entstanden nachdem ich einen Manga(Berserk) gelesen habe, ich liebe die Details die der Zeichner in seine Bilder legt, sie inspirieren mich sehr!

Katie: Thank you!:) I made this after I read a horror/fantasy Manga (Berserk)! The drawings are very inspiring to me, I like all the details in the drawings. I love to draw creepy things!XD

David Germain said...

That girl in the leather suit. ROWR ROOOOWR!! ;)

Anonymous said...

I like that quick doodle of fat Britney and the crazy mad dogs at the bottom!

Patrick McMicheal said...

Steffanie, Why did you draw on "graphed" paper? Just curious!(neugierig)

PotatoFarmGirl said...

Those dogs are very scary and very good! Nice etchings!

fabiopower said...

Hi Steffi! how are you!?
Excuse me but I want to give interesting news for all the readers of your blog: In Southamerica we have organized two festivals of cartoons: ANIMA'O7 (Argentina) and FLIP! (Chile).
If somebody wants to send a art work and/or to participate in this competition, the rules and the program are in my blog.
That's all!
Thank you very much Steffi, and greetings from the ass of the world..!

Freshyfresh said...

Pat: I don't know either, but I love graphed paper! The most people don't like it, but I don't care. XD
I do the sketches on graphed paper and on the white paper I make my colored drawings.

Thanks for the nice comments, David, Brian, Pedro and Potato Farm Girl!:)

Hey Fabio! Thanks for the Info! I really want to come as a visit, but the problem is that I live so far away. T-T