Only for you; my very first R&S drawing!
I did it after I saw the very first time R&S. This drawing is in the last white page from a book(with horse stories), I did this drawing out of my head(remembering), that's the reason why it looks so silly and funny!XD
It was the start of beeing a fan of R&S.
from 94



from 2006(I want to upload these in 2006 but there were too much other things to do, sorry)
Ren & Stimpy and their dad
I hate it when the scanner change the colors! :P
My first(and last) R&S drawing what I did completely on the computer:
R&S are still my biggest inspiration, it always make fun to draw them, I did millions of R&S drawings, R&S changed my life! =) It is one of the most funniest cartoon series in the world because it was been made to entertain people and it always make fun to watch it!
But I think it's my last upload of R&S on this blog and in the internet......
That's a very intelligent thing to do (and I love R&S too). But we better create something new.
We can do it.
Hey Stefanie,
It's fun seeing you progress.
Wow! It's neat to see your drawings evolve. Nice work!
Yep, Ren & Stimpy changed animation in many ways. Some say for the worse some say for the better. I'm in the second camp of course. B)
Thanks everyone!
R&S are that what people really want to see in TV, because the most modern cartoons are boring. There are millions of good things what make this cartoon serie so fantastic! R&S are always great!:D
What a couple of funny goons eh! I have a question. In the speech bubbles you have them talking in German. Does that mean the show was broadcast in German language, or the original American voices?
These Ren and Stimpy drawings are awesome! That show was a huge influence on me as well (obviously). Thanks for your comment on my blog also!
Thanks guys!
It was from the R&S episode "My shiny friend"(hope it's right) and they tell:"Wieso hast du das gemacht? = Why did you do that?
Du verhaelst dich wie ein kleines Kind!=You're like a little child!"
In Germany they release the show in 1996 in german language(look at YouTube, sounds funny XD). We had Nickelodeon for 2 or 3 years, after Nickelodeon was dead I don't saw it in german again, I watch it on MTV in english.
Great progress Steffi!
HaHa, yes I took your advice and saw a bit of the German language version. Ren sounds like an old man and Stimpy sounds more butch-he could probably kick Ren's arse! I did some German lessons at school but that was a long time ago and no where good enough to understand a tv show! ;o)
WOW!!!! GREAT ren & stimpy drawings!! you draw them the super nice, appealing CLASSIC way!! great work my friend, the one of R&S carrying johnk is drawn extremely well & you did a nice job on the coloring!
Xtracrsp: R&S sounds funny in different languages at most in german, but I think the german people did good work in the voices.
German is a difficult language, sometimes so difficult that I don't understand what they tell me. XD
Ryan K.:Thank you! I love to draw R&S in the classic way because it always remember me on the first time as I started to watch the cartoons and become a fan! My old sketch books are full of R&S drawings. =)
That drawing with John K. and R&S should show that R&S belongs to their master!
Ryan G.:Thanks!!!:)
Ren & Stimpy changed my life too! When they first came out my interest in cartoon animation had pretty much died. I was into comic book art and illustration for the most part. Then one morning while half asleep and eating my Fruity Pebbles, the cartoon my little sister was watching on Nick caught my eye... this wasn't crap like Doug, Rug Brats or Rockos Modern Turd. THIS was hilarious and fresh! Fast forward a little over a decade and I'm helping John K out on a project!
And R&S show me that (american)cartoons are much better than the whole Manga/Anime stuff in Germany, it inspires me to draw in cartoon styles again.:)
In Germany there is a big Anime/Manga hype and the most young german artists draw in this style, I'm one of very few artists who draw Comics and Cartoons. I hope that more german people would love to draw cartoons!
I wish you all the best with your new job by John! I think you are a perfect team!:D
oh! thanks!!!
im doing my best!
really thanks!!!
Hey, that's some serious R&S fascination!! Great progress over the years!
Brilliance! Please tell me your working for John K now, you must be, your work has everything that he talks about, cool as!
Really nice drawings, and great fun to see your progress through the years. I always loved your R&S fan art, since the MOTLOS days.
>> German is a difficult language, sometimes so difficult that I don't understand what they tell me. XD <<
You're right. I recently started to learn German, and it ain't easy :-) Can't understand much when they speak fast.
My first exposure to many R&S episodes was also on German Nickelodeon 12 years ago. The voices weren't bad at all, and the "Happy Happy Joy Joy" song is absolutely hilarious in German. Is there a Youtube clip of that?
Do you remember also seeing John K./Bakshi "New Adventures of Mighty Mouse" on German TV during the mid-90s? I watched and taped it regularly every saturday morning.
Paul, Fabiopower, Kookiejar:Thanks!:D
Hryma:Thanks that you like my stuff so much!!! That would be great when I work for John K., but he ignores me T-T.
I wish he would look at me...
Hamnmerson: Thank you so much!:D
Another reason why the language is not easy its the different kind to speak.
Yes, the german version of all the R&S songs are funny, my favourite is the Happy Happy Jy Joy Song(Jubel Jubel Freu Freu) too!XD
Maybe you must search, but I know that there are still german episodes on YouTube.
Yes I remember, I watch Mighty Mouse when I visit my Dad, I think he had some episodes on Video.
Find ich schön wenn du so von deinen anfängen erzählst, jtzt sehe ich mal wo deine Cartoon Begeisterung herkommt. Wo lief denn diese Serie? Ich bin ja selbst so ein TV-Junky als Kind gewesen,aber and R&S erinnere ich mich nicht :/....war Cow&Chicken nicht ähnlich? (haha,nicht schlagen falls es eine schlechte Serie war,ich erinnere mich irklich nicht mehr so gut XD)
Bei den Arbeiten gefällt mir besonders das eine wo du ohne Outlines arbeitest und nur Farbübergänge verwendest...wunderschön,wirklich :)
Alleine was für eine Entwicklung du da durchgemacht hast :) Ich freu mich auf deine nächsten Post´s :D
Und ich wollte dir noch zu deinem Job gratulieren,vom letzten Entry. Du solltest eine Homepage aufbauen und dich bekannter machen. Ich hoffe man sieht mal mehr von dir in der Öffentlichkeit, als Charakter Designer könnte ich mir dich gut vorstellen.
Hallo Saskia!
Freu mich ueber Dein Kommentar!:)
R&S liefen damals so mitte der 90er jahre bei Nickelodeon, 1997 ging der Sender jedoch pleite und saemtliche Serien verschwanden fuer lange Zeit. Danach brachte man R&S in englisch abends bei MTV. Nickelodeon(Nick) ist aber wieder auf Sendung und man kann auch wieder R&S gucken!=)
Einfach mal im Internet oder in der Fernsehzeitschrift(nur die guten!) nachschauen.
Ja, Cow & Chicken sind R&S sehr aehnlich (genau wie Spongebob), das haengt erstens damit zusammen das die Serien von Zeichnern entwickelt worden sind die mal frueher an R&S gearbeitet haben, das in der Zeit wo das rauskam ein regelrechter R&S boom war und jeder versuchte aehnliche Serien zu produzieren. Ich persoenlich bin nicht so grosser Fan solcher Immitationen aber mag Cow & Chicken doch lieber als Spongebob! Spongebob nervt einfach nur, C&C haben wehnigstens noch den ein oder anderen guten Gag drauf(ich mag den fetten roten Teufel! XD). Was Du gerne guckst ist mir egal, hauptsache es macht Dir Spass!:)
Ich haette gerne eine Homepage, aber hab keine Ahnung wie das geht, wer das macht und wie ich das finanzieren soll. XD
ach so :/ blöd, nick kann ich natürlich nicht ansehen,aber du hast mich nun neugierig gemacht....werd mal im netz schauhen XD
hm, und das mit der Page ist natürlich kein muss, Blogspot geht ja auch,aber es ist schhon ein vorteil wenn einen Platz hast wo man deine besten arbeiten übersichtlich präsentieren kannst.
Du könntest auch zu deviant art gehen :) Da muss man sich zwar einen Namen machen,aber so kann man sich viele Aufträge ans Land holen weil da auch viele Leute sind :) Und es ist umsonst ....
WOW! nice pics...
Ren with the pipe and R&S singing are my favorites!
Have a nice day :D
Saskia: Ich hatte mich mal bei Deviant angemeldet, aber nie etwas hochgeladen. Mir ist es dort etwas zu unuebersichtlich, blogger gefaellt mir besser!:)
Bei Animexx ist uebrigens auch noch was von mir drauf(Fanarts=D-Reaper), da ist nur altes Zeug drauf, hab lange nichts mehr hochgeladen, weil zu Animemaesig.
Freut mich das ich Dich neugierig gemacht habe!XD
Thanks Benj! :D
Wow! Great stuff! It's fun to see your progression and the drawings get better as you get older! That was great!
Hi Shawn! Thanks! I give my best!:)
Exellent stuff! Your new artwork is very strong. I too became an instant fan of R&S since they first showed it here, around 93 or 94. I have worn my unwashed lederhosen ever since.
Wow, you've done some of the best fan art for Ren and Stimpy! Amazing! I've also grown up watching and drawing ren and stimpy. There such fun looking characters!
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