They all are old, I didn't post them because the most of them were done for an artbook(that never came out) and some art for friends. I know where the mistakes are, but I hope you like them!:)
There certainly seems to be more vibrancy in colour and details showing up with your new scanner! Some of them seem very saturated. Are they close to the colours of the original paper art? Just wondering if everything [monitor, scanner] is calibrated. If so, then you've got some juicy markers!
Is that first redhead girl based off Bridget Bardot? There appears to me to be an uncanny resemblance. Very sultry, whatever the case. Cool peacock dress also.
I wouldn't mind seeing more character interaction like you've done with Tarzan and Jane. Those puppies are annoyingly cute!
I can say with honesty that I do in fact... *drum-roll*... like all of these drawings!
El Grande, Pedro: Thanks!!! It's done with markers!:3
Amir, Vincent: I hope so! I'm doing my best! Thank you!!! :D
Anne Marie: Thank you!:D Don't be so hard, your drawings are great!!!:D
Shane: THANK YOU!:D Your art and Lynne Naylors gave me the inspiration to draw them!
Crsp: The colors looks way better in real life, the scanner doesn't show all the shadows or highlights very often, which sucks!:/ You don't have that problem with digital art, but it's more fun for me to draw and color by hand! And like you said, it also depends on the monitor you have, as big example: I like the big monitors better because it's the closest what you can get to the original colors, the flat monitors are cool but they change the colors: the colors are very often too shiny and black is there never a real black because of the light.
No she wasn't based on her, but thanks!:) I just had the dress in my head and I actually planned to make the whole BG black, but I didn't.^^
Deemo: Thanks for visiting my blog!:) Thanks for your answer!That's amazing! I also use ball point pens for my sketches and I also like to doodle with fineliners!:3
Zorilita, Mitch K., Ryan, Howard and Jay: Thank you so much!!!!!:D
you've improved a lot since, I still think these are great!
Holy moly! I love these colors. I think the Tarzan is my favorite. What a great character.
Joe y Elio
Those dogs are adorable! Very nice illustrations too.
The Tarzan one is great. I love his feet -- I love your lines!
all of these are tight.
Beautiful work!
I like them!
There certainly seems to be more vibrancy in colour and details showing up with your new scanner! Some of them seem very saturated. Are they close to the colours of the original paper art? Just wondering if everything [monitor, scanner] is calibrated. If so, then you've got some juicy markers!
Is that first redhead girl based off Bridget Bardot? There appears to me to be an uncanny resemblance. Very sultry, whatever the case. Cool peacock dress also.
I wouldn't mind seeing more character interaction like you've done with Tarzan and Jane. Those puppies are annoyingly cute!
I can say with honesty that I do in fact... *drum-roll*... like all of these drawings!
Nice! I like them even if there old stuff doesn't look as good! I like the dogs, very cute. And your lines are awesome.
El Grande, Pedro: Thanks!!! It's done with markers!:3
Amir, Vincent: I hope so! I'm doing my best! Thank you!!! :D
Anne Marie: Thank you!:D Don't be so hard, your drawings are great!!!:D
Shane: THANK YOU!:D Your art and Lynne Naylors gave me the inspiration to draw them!
Crsp: The colors looks way better in real life, the scanner doesn't show all the shadows or highlights very often, which sucks!:/
You don't have that problem with digital art, but it's more fun for me to draw and color by hand!
And like you said, it also depends on the monitor you have, as big example: I like the big monitors better because it's the closest what you can get to the original colors, the flat monitors are cool but they change the colors: the colors are very often too shiny and black is there never a real black because of the light.
No she wasn't based on her, but thanks!:) I just had the dress in my head and I actually planned to make the whole BG black, but I didn't.^^
Deemo: Thanks for visiting my blog!:) Thanks for your answer!That's amazing! I also use ball point pens for my sketches and I also like to doodle with fineliners!:3
Zorilita, Mitch K., Ryan, Howard and Jay: Thank you so much!!!!!:D
I think your work is super fantastic!!!
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