Saturday, October 18, 2008


Some kind of PB-Bulldog:A Dream-pet Poodle I have:

Look at my weird legs!

Don't stay too long in the sun!A girl from ATB (Ren & Stimpy):

Warning! It's getting ugly now!

I found books with lots of old drawings(2005-06) in it. There are so many so it might be that I already have post some of them.

As you can see I got the most inspirations from great artists like Katie Rice, Shane Glines, Lynne Naylor, Preston Blair and Cartoons like Ren & Stimpy.

In this time I didn't understand and know the basic stuff about drawing cartoons, I just copied. And the drawings here does look like copies or some fanart. To me its still amusing and fun to look at them and I hope that I got better now!

And I'm glad to be surrounded by many talented artists, that makes learning much easier and fun!:) Thank you!!!!!!


David de Rooij said...

Hey! I love the background drawings you did earlier! Great design, colors and lighting! Can you post some more? Maybe some old western style houses I can use as inspiration for a short I'm making!

Patrick McMicheal said...

WOAH, Stephanie, I love ALL of these!!! You really should post drawings like these on DeviantArt!!! They would love these over there too!

James said...

Great. looks like someone watched Scooby Doo as a kid. Just look at the 9th drawing!

You are just awesome, and out of curiosity, what kind of pens & markers do you use?

PJS said...

great, funny stuff!

crsP said...

That first one is the most Spumco inspired I've seen of yours. Ren and Stimpy excluded of course!

You can't fool me. I KNOW that 'redhairmusclegirl' is just Lion-O as a female!

I don't know if I'm just making this up in my head or the choice of images you have here, but your posing seems a lot more loose and natural. Is that just me? Having said that, I'm really partial to kaesebemme.jpg, in regards to the beautiful 'S'-curve you have flowing through her body. The main problem is that right arm seems too stiff against her body like that. I suspect you wanted to avoid the cliché of the hand on the hip, so I see why you may have gone that route. But what about something to oppose the left arm? Something like this example I made. I tried to match your style and whatnot, but I don't know too much of this cartoonery you witches practice.

Is 'dumbgirl' a drawing of you? I wanted to say that her breasts look like they are having a hard-fraught battle against gravity. However, if it is supposed to be you, then ignore that statement completely! *whistles a jaunty tune casually* 'How do you do Madame?'
*Tips hat*

R.A. MacNeil said...

Wow Steffi, your marker stuff is always amazing.


Ryan Khatam said...

WOW!!!! holy fucking shit. ok like there are way too many awesome drawings in this one post. that guy in the furry jacket is HILARIOUS. AWESOME (and scary) bloody meat eating wolf. INCREDIBLY awesome gothic maid girl!!! You have really outdone yourself with this post, excellent work :)

crsP said...

I, er... I, I *parp*

I just found out, through the uncanny use of television, that the first drawing here is in fact... dun dun DUNNN... a GUY!
I should have suspected something with those big-ass feet and the knees. I don't know which is more weird - your drawing, or the real life person.

Freshyfresh said...

Pedro: Thanks! So it was a good idea at the end to post them!=)

David: I actually hate to draw BGs, because I don't have any ideas and it takes too long.u_u
I'm sure here are other artists who have some great and better looking BGs than I have!:)
I'm glad you like the few BGs I did!:D

Deemo: Thank you!!! The character in the first drawing is a BOY!!!XD

Patrick: Thanks! I posted some, but these drawings are old and full of mistakes.^___^*

James: Scooby is a really cool dog, but these were actually done with the rules of the Preston Blair book! But you are right, he does look like Scooby Doo!!!XD
I used Copic Markers for the colors and black Fineliners for the outlines!=)

Patrick: Thank you!!!!!!

Crsp: LOL!!!XD Thanks!!!

...maybe. You are right the arm looks stupid! I like your version better!!!!!XD

"Is 'dumbgirl' a drawing of you?"
No, it's not me.LOL

100 Pointz to you for the right answer!!! It is a guy! It is the singer of the band Tokyo Hotel!XD

R.A. MacNeil: Thank you! I wish I still have Markers!

Ryan: THANK YOU!!!:D

Benjamin Arcand said...

VERY nice drawings.
The first one (the girl singing) is so beautiful!