Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Beautiful Soup!


D9 Prawn:

A gift for a special friend! :D Disney's Tinkerbell:

There will be no colored Artwork for a while because I have not the right Computer + Programs and no time anymore, but I'll continue doing artwork!

The updates will be on my Sketch-blog: http://grillhouse.blogspot.com/

These characters belong to James Cameron, Neill Blomkamp and Disney!


Drake Brodahl (pumml) said...

Haven't stopped by in awhile. Glad to see you still drawing. Everything looks great, but the Tinkerbells especially came out really nice!

Freshyfresh said...

^ I'm happy you stopped by! And I'm happy you like my drawings!!!=)

Mitchel Kennedy said...

I really love that prawn with the fish!!!

All the rest is lovely too.

crsP said...

The baby looks like some kind of Hindi painting, what with the pose and colours. Was that on purpose?

You can get free [legal] programs for digital painting. What operating system is your computer running? Or do you mean you just have a calculator? And that your calculator is just an abacus with a double A battery taped onto it? And that the battery is really an old sausage you found behind the fridge?

kanishk said...

amazing stuff. i love the fact that you tried out different styles.
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Freshyfresh said...

Mitch: Thank you!!!:D

Crsp: That's what I thought too!XD
I didn't thought much when I drew it, it is actually a colored sketch.:)

Can you tell me what programs? That would be great!!!=)

Kanishk: Thanks! I'm happy you like it!!!:)

Anonymous said...

I saw you on Meathaus. Congrats!

Oh, and I love your prawns and Avatar drawings. That and everything else you do. You ROCK!

Salmi said...

Babies looks like images looks so pretty ,A great talented work has been done in here for little kids......
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