I can't understand why the Animation Studios haven't gobbled you up by now!!! You are a World Class Artist and you have such a unique style that is so pleasing to the eyes and bursting with appeal. Everything is so smooth and rounded and ALWAYS fun or funny, full of movement, Beautiful colors!!!! It has it ALL.
I like #2 the best...her colors are the most pleasing.
Hi~this is Mimi Shih-Shih Kao, a belly dance student from Taiwan. I searched for an belly dance graphic as our tour trip image and found your website and lovely design.
My belly dance teacher loves Number5 much. We were wondering if we could have your permission of putting Number5 belly dancer as our tourtrip icon. It's not a commercial activity and we are not going to use it in any other events besides our Thailand trip.
Hope you can kindly accept our request. Thanks for everything in advance.
I vote for number 3.
The belly dancer & ram girl are gorgeous, too!
Awesome work Steffi. I hope you
find a program. Though your paintings and and marker stuff look great, if you don't find one.
I love that first one!!
Couldn't have said it better my self, Wil.
The Lady Gaga drawing is great!
I can't understand why the Animation Studios haven't gobbled you up by now!!! You are a World Class Artist and you have such a unique style that is so pleasing to the eyes and bursting with appeal. Everything is so smooth and rounded and ALWAYS fun or funny, full of movement, Beautiful colors!!!! It has it ALL.
I like #2 the best...her colors are the most pleasing.
I love the girl in the blue flame, and especially lady gaga!
GREAT post, full of nice drawings :D
For the color schemes, I go with number 3.
woah, pretty stuff!
-David Omar
All three girls are drawn superbly of course. But, in terms of colouring, I think #3 reads the best.
The rest of the pictures are gorgeous as usual. I hope you do draw more.
Love your women and style!
Hi~this is Mimi Shih-Shih Kao, a belly dance student from Taiwan.
I searched for an belly dance graphic as our tour trip image and found your website and lovely design.
My belly dance teacher loves Number5 much. We were wondering if we could have your permission of putting Number5 belly dancer as our tourtrip icon.
It's not a commercial activity and we are not going to use it in any other events besides our Thailand trip.
Hope you can kindly accept our request. Thanks for everything in advance.
Yours Sincerely,
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