Tuesday, March 06, 2007

For the boys:

.......grrrrrrr....I must buy a new scanner!XP
Ps: Some of the drawings are old stuff from last year, Sorry!


shaggy said...

some of them may be old, but they are pretty cool.

Trevour said...

Excellent as always - you have a lot of variety!!

Saskia said...

oohh, das vorletzte ist schön ;_; *ausdruck* Das sieht bei dir immer so schön stylisch aus, aber die farben, beim vorletzten....einfach genial.
Auch die Kopttochdame ist schön, vorallem mit den verzierungen, das ist so ein schönes Dekoratives Element :)
Also von mir aus darfst du ruhig mehr für die Jungens machen ;)

fabiopower said...

Hey, dear Steffi!
Thanks you very much for your comment!
I am pleasingly moved and I'm very happy!
I hope that you can help me with your advice and next I will publish in my blog a new girl… this 8th March, is the Day of the Womens in my country!
Very kisses and your girls is excellent and very erotics! ;)
Is great gift for the boys...and also for some girls...

Patrick McMicheal said...

OOOOOOOo WOW....a regular BOOB-fest!
Steffanie, These girls are EXTREMELY cute ( even without the boobs). I absolutely LOVE your drawing style!!!
Make sure you find Coral soon, She has a gift for you - from me! I didnt have your address, so I sent something to her to pass along to you! Hope you enjoy them!

Ryan G. said...

Yeah Steffi! You read our minds! These are really great! I like the flat style ones the best. About your scanner..Make sure its scanning in RGB 24 bit mode. Also dont save the file as CMYK for the Internet or you'll get crazy colors..See ya!

Howard Shum said...

Cool girl drawings, Stefanie!

Anonymous said...

Super-cute! They're all very appealing and fun.

Rich Tomlinson said...

Kick Arsch steffi! Nice colors and style . I like the expressiveness of the first one the most. great job as usual!

Freshyfresh said...

Shaggy, Trevour, Saskia, Howard, Brian and Brutus: Thanks for your comments and thanks that you look at my drawings!:)

Fabiopower: Thank you! I'm glad when I can help, Yes I want to see more of you artwork!

Pat:I'm sure that I will like it! I can't wait to see it!=)

Ryan: I'll try it the next time, when it doesn't work I'll kill the scanner!>:-)
Thanks for your help!

Shawn Dickinson said...

These are really good!

I like the girl with the guitar. Awesome designs and colors on that one!

They're all good!

Ryan Khatam said...

the 2 girls with the flower backgrounds are really nice & Lynne Naylor-esque

dysamoria said...

you are an excellent illustrator!
i found your blog via your friend on flickr (corkyswitzer)

Patrick McMicheal said...

How did you like the 2 drawings I sent you?

Paul B said...

hey, thanks for the post!

the colors of your drawings are amazing! i wish i could find an artist here who play the colors like that!

see you later!

Anonymous said...

My goodness. Those are some sexy gals. I like the hippy girl with the guitar best...

Come check out my blog again when you have the time. (that goes for anyone else too!)

Hammerson said...

Wow, amazing stuff!! These are some of the best drawings you ever did. Really cute and stylish, and the use of color is extraordinary!

Thanks for the nice comments you left on my blog... you asked me recently if I have the book with my comics. Yes, I published it last year. Send me an e-mail for more info. Have you ever published a sketchbook? If not, you really should. I would love to buy a book with your wonderful drawings.

crsP said...

Eeeeek! Put some shirts on my dear ladies! I'm too young to see such things-I'm only 31, ayyyyiiieee! That second girl sure is being mysterious. She's pointing at something but looking in in the other direction. She definitely knows something we don't, and I want to know what it is!

Your drawings work better with backgrounds. Even the minimalist arabesque one-instantly there seems to be more of a story behind it! She's just come from a hard days work of collecting flowers, which she's getting home to feed to her rabbit.

And I don't think that blonde girl's hair would stand out so much if you didn't have that superb background, and just left the white of the paper. Also the way you coloured it reminds me of looking into the depths of the ocean, with her hair waving in the water. She can play underwater guitar-what a talent!

Robert Hume said...

For us? You shouldn't have!
These are all great!! I love the art you have on your blog, so much fun, and such variety as well!

Hryma said...

Don't appologise because there from last year Steffi, these pictures are AWESOME! and I'm sure all the boys are happy to see some clevage!

MoRxN said...

whoa!! i like, i like....

MoRxN said...

besonders die letzten zwei

Freshyfresh said...

Pedro & Ryan: Thanks! Lynne Naylor is one of my biggest influences!=)

Dysamoria: We are everywhere!Hahahaha!

Pat: Look at my new post!:)

Hammerson: My art club and I we'll release a Artbook this year!
In this book you'll find nice artwork and some info about the artists! I'll make a post when we start to sell the Artbook!
Yes, I want to read your comics!
I love the comics what you put on your blog! Are they in english?

Crsp: She'll show that there is no background in this drawing!
...and I can play air guitar! I'm talented too!

Shawn, Paul B., Josh, Robert, Hryma: Thanks guys! I knew that you like my babes!;)

m.Pheuz: Danke! Ich seh Dich doppelt!

Jimbo said...

These are really good. I am not just blowing hot air up your dress.

Jimbo said...

The arab girl in the middle is fantastic. Are you working? I have work for you. If you are interested, please eel-mail me.

Freshyfresh said...

Thanks for the nice words, Jim!:D
Yes, I'm interested! I'll write you a e-mail for more Info and questions.


yo quiereo saber si ere tu la del dibujo.
I want to know if it´s un portrait, pretty