Thursday, May 03, 2007

I did these as we were out in a reastaurant , it was lots of fun and I had fun to do the caricatures of my friends:
Big Guy Jose with me and Brad:
Jake X2: from me and Murray:
Justin and his girlfriend Jenanne:
Jenanne again:


Jay D Smith said...

cool stuff!!


crsP said...

Wow! I sure wish I had friends to caricature-looks like fun!
Do me next! [Not really- tee hee hee]

Hammerson said...

Excellent stuff! You really have a fine sense for caricature.

katzenjammer studios said...

haha. these are great. 4th one down looks very funny. really like it. although the top one does strangely look like me?..!

nice caricatures.

Amir Avni said...

Steffi! Are your friends from Copernicus and could that be the one and only Guillaume Chartier?
I have a quick caricature of The G in a previous post

Mitchel Kennedy said...

YES That is my beloved Guillaume! You captured his hair and essance de cool very well.

Freshyfresh said...

@ Crsp:Are you sure?;)

@ Pedro: Thanks! Jose should be the new member of the Ripping Friends(I must do it in color haha)!

Toonamir and Mitch: Yes! It's him!XD
He must be very famous!

Jay, Hammerson, Katzenjammer: Thanks for your comments!:D

Joel Boyajian said...

What`s up?
I would like to know somethigs about your carrer...where did you studied all cartoons stuff??Answer me by e-mail, please, if u don´t mind.
Thanks...Your art is really good.