Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Random Shit:

Okayyy....I hope everyone can see it now.


Unknown said...

nice... for some reason it makes me think it's an XCU of arm hair. Could be a nice little story about a tick or somthing.

Unknown said...

By chance I came across this at Classic Cartoon Blog.

A flee on Droopy ha! Your tree painting as the same feel and look, how great!

Saskia said...

Ich kann die Bilder nicht sehen ._.

Freshyfresh said...

Bc3: Why did you see the pictures and Saskia and I not? Strange...
Yesterday they where there...

Saskia: Danke fuer die Info! Ich habe es heute auch bemerkt, nur finde ich komisch dass Bc3 die Bilder sehen kann(oder konnte)und die Bilder auch noch Gestern zu sehen waren und heute nicht...komisch!
Ich versuche morgen die Bilder erneut hochzuladen! Danke!:)

Unknown said...

It's strange sometimes the pics load and now they are not there????

Anonymous said...

Amazing technique!! The no outlines style is rarely done well in modern times but you captured it perfectly with that last pic!

crsP said...

You labelled this post 'shit', so before I could see the images I was expecting realistically rendered faeces. These are even better!

Your woodland scene is much foreboding. There is no path in [or out :O)]. Did you plan it like that? I'm just comparing it to painting of Paul Cezane.

By the way, if you look bleary-eyed at the smaller version of the wooded scene, it looks like someone's pubic hair. And they have freckles.

R.A. MacNeil said...

Cool Stuff. I really like the fist one with the jelly fish.


Chloe Cumming said...

I really truly dig your fetuses.

Drake Brodahl (pumml) said...

Lovely stuff here! I love the jellyfish piece!

Freshyfresh said...

Bc3: I think there where some problems by Blogger.com, now you can see it!:)

Thanks Jorge! It's not easy to draw like this! But it make fun!:D I'm very picky with the "outlines".

Crsp: Thanks! Yes! I want that everyone getting lost! Harhar!>:D
Yes, it really looks like hair when you see it differnt!
Two pictures in one, I'm a genius!XD

Pumml, Pedro, Macneil and Chloe: Thanks for your nice comments!:D

Anonymous said...

These definitely have a more 'designy' feel to them. I'm partial to the jellyfish pic.

Ryan G. said...

Nice trees Steffi!

Trevour said...

The depth of those trees goes on forever! Fantastisch! ;-)

Guillaume said...

Hey Steffi! You know, today I woke up and I thought "Hey, this is a Special Day!" so I got up and ate a pink prismacolor marker for breakfast! I feel kinda sick now but I don't care, cuz it's a SPECIAL DAY! Your art is awesome keep it up! :D

Unknown said...

This set are lovely!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Steph, are you hot?

Post some pics of yourself!

crsP said...

She looks like me with a dress on. Now go and take a cold shower.

Mitchel Kennedy said...

Those jelly fish are totally rad!

Freshyfresh said...

Brian, Trevour, Ryan, Mitch and Alina: Thanks that you enjoy my stuff!:)
I do my best!!!

Guillaume: How could I forget that everyday a special day is?
Thanks that you remember me and that you like my stuff!:)

Jorge & Crsp: I'm hot? I wish I would, but it's too cold outside!
If you want to see some ugly photos of me, look at my older posts and if you want more I'll post more!^-^

Anonymous said...

>If you want to see some ugly photos of me, look at my older posts and if you want more I'll post more!^-^

Oh yeah, you're hot. Please post more!

I'll reciprocate!

Freshyfresh said...

I post it, I hope you are happy now!